Where in Amsterdam is the Red Light District?

Almost everyone has heard of Amsterdam’s Red Light District. If you have not then definitely look it up before you plan a trip there just to make sure it is somewhere you want to go. Everything you have heard about the district is probably true, from the shops and services on offer to the specific kind of museums located there. The only rumour which is not true is a false belief that it is dangerous, it is actually a very friendly place.
So long as you act in a respectful manner and behave yourself while there, you will be able to find everything you could be looking for from brothels to sex shops and even good food in one of the many local restaurants.
There are actually three different red light districts located in the city but the largest and most famous is located in the city centre. The area is known as De Wallen and it is composed of an area about 6,500 square metres or 1.6 acres, with the Niezel bordering it to the north, the Nieuwmarkt (streetname) in the east, the Sint Jansstraat (streetname) on the southern and the Warmoesstraat (streetname) to the west of it.
If you leave Central Station, go left after approximately 400 metres and you can’t miss it.