Travelling by train from Paris to Amsterdam

TGV Thalys Paris Amsterdam

Everyone likes to travel and see the world, gain a new perception of life, see new places, experiences different cultural heritages and eat different foods. Travelling from Paris to Amsterdam will guarantee you exactly that. A moment you could be munching on croissants with a beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower and the next you could be cruising through the canals of the Dutch capital, Amsterdam. Well, it all depends with the mode of transport you choose to ferry you from Paris to Amsterdam. This info text focuses on the use of trains plying to and from the Paris-Amsterdam route.

About the Paris Amsterdam journey

On average, you can travel from Paris to Amsterdam in 4 hours 9 minutes, which can differ with the train option you decide to take, with an average of 27 trains commuting a day between these two cities leaving in approximately every 28 minutes. A train will take you through France, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany with the quickest time being 3 hours 17 minutes.

Train options for travelling from Paris to Amsterdam

Determining the kind of train depends on how fast you want to get there, comfort and your budgetary options. Below are the major train options you can consider the next time you are planning to visit Amsterdam from Paris:

  • The Eurail Pass: This train pass allows you travel from Paris to the Dutch capital on nearly every train across Europe. They come in all shapes and sizes, yours is just to pick the one to suits your travel needs. You do not need a ticket to travel with these trains.
  • The High Speed Train: This is the fastest and the most comfortable means of rail transport to ferry you from Paris to Amsterdam. If you are in a hurry, then you should consider taking the Thalys high speed train. It can take you to Amsterdam in just below 3 hours and 20 minutes, with guaranteed luxurious travel experience.
  • The Regional Train: There is more travel time on these trains than in the high speed trains. However, you cave on money and stopover in the beautiful cities of Antwerp and Amiens before you embark on your trip.

Book your journey and enjoy every bit of travel experience.