Manchester to Amsterdam flight time / duration

According to major airlines, the estimated flight time from Manchester, United Kingdom to Amsterdam, Netherlands in a non-stop flight ranges from 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1 hour and 25 minutes. A one-stop flight takes close to 4 hours while some airlines could take up to 19 hours depending on the stopover destinations and the waiting period. Manchester’s nearest international airport is the Manchester Airport (MAN) and the nearest airport in Amsterdam is the Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport (AMS). The difference between the two airports is 490 kilometres.
There is an option to go Manchester Airport to the Amsterdam-Schiphol airstrip through London. Going from Manchester Airport to London Heathrow Airport will take you 1 hour and 10 mins. However, the entire journey to AMS will take you 5 hours and 15 minutes.
Furthermore, you could fly from Manchester Airport to Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport through Charles De Gaulle Airport by an Air France flight. To Paris, it will take you 1 hour and 40mins and another 1 hour and 20mins from Paris to Amsterdam. However, there is a 6-hour waiting duration in-between that results in the whole journey taking a duration of 8 hours and 40 mins.
Additionally, you can fly to airports that located near Amsterdam. The flight duration varies between one stop flights and direct flights. For instance, a non-stop-flight from Manchester Airport to Eindhoven Airport, Netherlands takes 1 hour and 15-minutes. More so, a one stop flight to Rotterdam Zestienhoven Airport from Manchester Airport will take you no less than 4 hours and 50 mins. All you need to do is look at the flight schedules of the given airlines.
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