Amsterdam weather & temperatures in December

In December it’s about 8 degrees Celsius (= about 46 degrees in Fahrenheit) in daytime, and 2 dregrees Celsius (= about 36 in Fahrenheit) in the night. Some days can be rainy, however if you’re lucky the sun will shine also.
If you’re planning on walking a lot please bring warm comfortable clothing and shoes. If you want to taste the nightlife as well, consider wearing an older coat, because not all the typical Amsterdam brown cafes and bars have guided wardrobes. Sometimes coats get mixed up and people accidentally take someone else’s coat.
If it’s cold and you have been drinking, it is better not to walk alone aside the canals. If you fall into a canal you defenitely need help to get out.
Apart from wearing proper clothing, it’s smart to plan and book some nice (indoor) activities in advance. This way your stay is going be to a guaranteed succes.
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