Where is Amsterdam Blue Light District?

Known as the Blue Light District, transgender sex workers are located within the city’s main Red Light District, an area also called ‘De Wallen’ which covers approximately 1 square kilometre. This district is only a short walk from Amsterdam’s Centraal Station.
However trans gender sex workers are mainly to be found in the “Gordijnensteeg ” in day and night, in daytime in the “Bloedstraat” and only part of the Bloedstraat in the night (use Google maps). An actual separated Bleu Light District does officially not exist.
If you are not sure to have reached the Blue Light District , just inform politely.
VISIT > These hotels are really close to Bloedstraat and Gordijnensteeg (map)
To get to Red Light District you leave Central Station at the station’s “Centrum” (Centre) exit, so that you’re opposite the trams. Walk straight ahead and cross the road. Continue for about 300 metres until you reach The Grasshopper Café. Take a left into an alley which runs parallel to the Grasshopper Steakhouse. This will lead you into Warmoe Street (or Warmoesstraat), one of the oldest streets in Amsterdam. Once there, turn right so that you’re heading in the opposite direction to the station. Taking the first turning on your left you’ll arrive at the Old Church of Amsterdam which is the central point of the Red Light District.
For the Red Light District (including the Bleu Light District), you do not have to pay an entrance fee. The Red Light District is relatively safe. Beware of pickpockets, however. Taking pictures and filming is not appreciated.
It’s told transgender sex workers can be distinguished because the lights in their window are blue/black/purple rather than red, however this is a myth.
To discover more secrets of the Red Light District book a variety of tours here.