Checklist for going on vacation to the beach

Life’s a beach
Let’s be honest, we all love a good holiday at a beachy destination. Embracing warm sunbeams sounds like a dream right now. Traveling currently might be a bit limited but there still are some destinations that can be visited where you can enjoy the warm and sunny weather. And if you are traveling to a coastal destination with a beautiful beach you must not forget anything. No need to worry about what to pack and what not to forget. We have created a list for you with all the must haves. Your only task is to print this list out and cross every item of your list. Are you ready to pack? Let’s go.
When you are traveling to the beach you definitely need some key essentials. Make sure to bring everything with you because, depending on your location, shopping can be quite expensive. Especially when it comes down to specialized products of brands that are only available in your country of origin. But let’s not jump ahead and start from the start.
Pick a bag where you will put all your important belongings. A bag that you will carry with you on the plane, train or bus. A bag that you won’t check in but will have with you 24/7. In this bag you will make sure to place all your important documents. Make sure you have these in your bag:
1. Passport
2. Ticket
3. Your wallet with cash money, a debit card and a creditcard
4. A pen
5. Your phone charger
– We always recommend to keep a phone charger in your carry on bag. You never know how your travels will go. There might be a delay and you don’t want your battery to die before you even started your travels. Always take an extra charger with you. You never know what will happen, an additional charger can’t hurt.
– Chargers for electronics you are bringing. Are you bringing a camera, a laptop or any other electronic devices? Make sure not to only pack those but also the chargers that go with it.
– When you go to a sunny beach destination it is important to take extra good care of your skin. Did you know that in a lot of Asian or South-American countries good sunscreen is almost triple the money as in European countries or in North-America. A lot of brands are being important which creates very high selling prices. Since sunscreen and aftersun are very important, make sure you will add these to your list of ‘must haves’ that you will take with you.
– If you use make-up make sure to bring all your fave’s. Want to pack light? Just bring a bronzer, a good highlighter, a hydrating lip balm and a mascara. In warm destinations you will probably not wear foundation anyway. Let your sun kissed skin rest and glow and just enhance it with some light touch ups.
– If you use make up, don’t forget to bring make up remover as well. Nothing is as damaging for your skin as sleeping with make up.
– Shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Depending on the accommodation you might get some complimentary toiletries but you probably will prefer your own brands. When you go on a beach holiday you probably will spend a lot of time in the sun and in the water. This can dry up your hair. Extra love for your hair is extra important. Invest in a good conditioner that will take care of your locks while being abroad.
– Insect repellent is not necessarily something that belongs in your toilet bag, but most of us keep it there anyway. In any warm and beachy destination you have a chance to have an occasional run in with a mosquito or other pests. Don’t forget to pack some bug spray so you can be pro-active about handeling any pest situation that might occur at the destination.
– When you go on a beach vacation you don’t need huge and chunky sweaters and wintercoats. However, depending on the weather in your country of origin it is recommendable to have at least one wintery outfit with you so you have something warm to wear when you return from your holiday.
– Bathingsuits, swim shorts and bikini’s – make sure to pack a few so you have options and you can switch it up a bit.
– Flipflops, sandals and sneakers. When you are at a beach destination it is important to have comfortable and casual footwear with you. In the heat you don’t need your boots or heels. Are you planning on going to a fancy beach club or a luxury restaurant for dinner in the evenings, don’t forget to pack a pair of dressy shoes. Some venues have a dresscode.
– For both men and women a nice white blouse is always a musthave. You can wear it casual to the beach combined with a jeans short but also if you go to dinner in the evening.
– Women: Cute dresses, skirts and sleeveless tops. Men: shorts and tee’s
Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try to wear tropical prints that fit the vibe of your destination. This is your chance to experiment with your style.
Sleepwear, a book to read on the beach and/or magazines, medication that you might use, your medical and travel insurance card, an international adaptor, your itinerary and your hotspot list of all the cool restaurant, bars and hotspots you want to check out at the location.