What is Booking.com Genius?

One of the most exciting loyalty schemes is Booking.com Genius. It’s a reward programme that offers a variety of special offers and discounts. You can become a Genius when you complete a hotel reservation that you made through Booking.com.



How to Join Booking.com Genius


There are an estimated 390,000 hotels that belong to the Booking.com Genius loyalty programme. You are instantly eligible for Genius rewards whenever you complete a reservation with one of them, provided you made the booking with Booking.com. To activate your Genius membership you simply register with Booking.com. For ease of identification, use the email that you had when making your reservation. Once you have registered for Genius rewards, you gain free access to the scheme for the rest of your life. After you’ve reached the first level, you are allowed to keep your lifetime’s membership even if you don’t book any more holidays.



How does Booking.com Genius Work?


There are three levels to activate in the Booking.com Genius loyalty scheme.

To qualify for Level 1, you only have to complete two hotel reservations in the next two years after you signed up. They must be made through Booking.com at hotels belonging to the Genius scheme. You are then instantly eligible for a discount of 10% on the hotel reservations you make with Booking.com. Participating Genius hotels can be found in holiday destinations throughout the world.

Level 2 is automatically reached once you have booked and completed five reservations. They must have been made and completed at eligible hotels through Booking.com. You then receive up to 15% reduction on your next hotel reservations and additional rewards. The price reductions are taken from the initial cost of the booking before any fees or taxes are deducted.

After 15 bookings within two years you’ll reach Level three. This level offers up to 20% discount and additional rewards.



Additional Genius Rewards


Once you have become a Genius member, you can enjoy much more than the percentage discounts. You can look forward to a wide variety of different rewards. To begin with, you are usually offered a free breakfast. Another Genius bonus is the opportunity to upgrade to another room without having to pay an additional fee. Your Genius rewards might include free drinks to welcome you to the hotel. There could even be free transportation to the airport or priority access to customer services. The Genius offers are often varied as they are provided by the individual hotels.


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