Amsterdam is part of which country?

Amsterdam is the capital city of the Netherlands (located in Western Europe.) and the language they speak is Dutch. Many travellers from all over the world fly to Amsterdam every year for various reasons which will be discussed in this brief article.
One of the biggest and most obvious reasons why people like to visit Amsterdam is for their world renowned coffee shops. Unlike most coffee shops in the world, you can purchase and smoke various strains of cannabis or “weed” within the shop. You can also expect to find weed brownies which are small cakes/brownies baked with cannabis. These are also referred to as edibles which are designed to get you high the same way a blunt would. However, the effects of edibles are known to not be felt up to a few hours after consumption. This makes it easy to overindulge in them as they taste good but the effects have a delayed start to them.
The red light district in Amsterdam is a very popular neighbourhood within the city. This part of the city is swarmed with prostitution with women offering their services from windows and on the streets. As well as this, you can find several strip clubs, brothels and live sex shows every few steps you take. The district is fairly safe to be in apart from some pickpockets that roam the area.
Weed and prostitution isn’t for everybody so the Van Gogh museum might take your fancy which is home to the largest Van Gogh art collection in the world. The city prides itself in how economically friendly it is with several cycle paths for cyclers. You can rent a bicycle if you want to take in the city at a faster pace.
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