What are the cheapest ways to get from London to Amsterdam?

travelling cheaply to Amsterdam
It is no surprise that London and Amsterdam remain to be a popular destination for millions of tourists every year. They are both one of Europe’s most visited cities and it’s not difficult to see why.
London has top museumsand restaurants while Amsterdam is famed for its canals and world-class attractions. Being only 400 kilometres apart, there are various easy ways to travel from London to the bustling Dutch capital.
Below is a short overview of some of the cheapest means of public transport you can use while travelling to Amsterdam.

London to Amsterdam by train

Thanks to an amazing railway system, tourists can now travel from London to Amsterdam in less than four hours. Travelling by train is the most ideal way to get to Amsterdam if you enjoy sightseeing.
London is a beautiful city with lots of interesting sights and landmarks to see and a simple day trip will leave you awed with the immense culture around this city.
Amsterdam can be easily reached from London’s St. Pancras International train station via Eurostar. This station serves entire Europe and is guaranteed to give you a cheap and hassle-free journey.



Flights from London to Amsterdam

Being just under an hour’s flight from each other, there’s no good reason why you shouldn’t find an affordable flight to Amsterdam. Flights from London to Amsterdam are usually cheapest if you book them early in advance when the rates are below regular price.



London to Amsterdam by bus

Travelling by bus or coach wasn’t as popular as it is today. Today there are comfortable buses or coaches with plenty of facilities such as Wi-Fi, running daily between the two cities. The entire journey can take up to 11 hours depending on the number of stops en route, and although slow, they often save a lot of money. Lastly, arrive early and familiarize yourself with the station before departure, as it may take you some time to find the right platform.



London to Amsterdam by ferry

Another popular trend among tourists is taking the ferry from London to Amsterdam. Ferries can be affordable or expensive depending on how much luxury you crave. They are an ideal way to quickly and cheaply travel between the two cities while still having your car. One great advantage of boarding a ferry is that you don’t have to withstand a long train journey or wait for hours at the airport before your flight leaves. With a ferry, you can have your entire family relax on board while enjoying the deep blue ocean waters. Remember, the earlier you book, the cheaper it is. So be quick to avoid paying too much.


> Book the best hotels for cheap prices in Amsterdam


By the way: If you are going to visit Amsterdam, here might be some fantastic and fun deals for you.